Tag: Cryptopals

Cryptopals - CBC bitflipping attacks

9 February 2021
Challenge 16 - Set 2 of the Cryptopals Crypto Challenges. The goal is to modify a ciphertext to change our role to 'admin' and gain some cool privileges.

Cryptopals - ECB decryption (Harder)

23 November 2020
Challenge 14 - Set 2 of the Cryptopals Crypto Challenges. The goal is to decrypt some target bytes with an oracle function but not much control. This challenge has a lot of similarities with Challenge 12 but there is a twist. I made lots of cool diagrams in this write-up, go check them out!

Cryptopals - ECB cut-and-paste

16 August 2020
Challenge 13 - Set 2 of the Cryptopals Crypto Challenges. The goal is to modify a ciphertext to elevate our privileges.
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